Grilling is a type of cooking which involves dry warmth applied to the outer lining of foods. Grilling typically involves a lot of direct, glowing heat, and tends to be employed for cooking meats quickly. Foods to be grilled is made on a barbeque grill (an open cable grid like a gridiron having a heat source below or above), a barbeque grill pan (much like a frying pan, however with raised ridges to mirror the cords of an open up grill), or griddle (a flat platter heated from below). Warmth transfer towards the food when utilizing a barbeque grill, and is done mostly via energy or heat radiation. Warmth transfer when you use a bbq grill pan or griddle is actually by direct conduction. In the United States, specifically at Sand Point Seattle Grill Restaurant, once the heat source for grilling originates from above, cooking is called broiling. In this instance, the pan that contains the food is known as a broiler pan, and heat exchange is by energy radiation.

Studies have shown that cooking meat, pork, chicken, and seafood at higher temperatures can result in the formation of heterocyclic amines, benzopyrenes, and polycyclic fragrant hydrocarbons, which can be carcinogens. Marination may lessen the formation of those compounds. Cooking is often introduced as a wholesome alternative to food preparation with essential oil, although the body fat and drinks lost by grilling can contribute to drier food.
In the USA, the use of the term grill identifies cooking food specifically over a way to obtain dry temperature, typically with all the food located on a metal grate that foliage "bbq grill marks." Grilling is generally done outside on charcoal grills or gas grills, a recent craze is the idea of infrared barbecuing. Grilling can also be performed utilizing stove-top "grill pots and pans" which may have raised steel ridges for that food to sit down on, or using an interior electric barbeque grill.
The Uniqueness of Grilling
A skewer or brochette, or a rotisserie may be used to prepare food small bits of food. The resulting foods product is known as a "kabob" (US phrase) or "kebab" which means "to barbeque grill" in Persian, which can be short for "shish kebab" (shish = skewer)(comparable to a "satay" in Oriental cuisine, or "alambre" in Mexican-Yucatán food). Shish kebabs have a Persian origin, but they are now just recently commonplace in US food.
Mesquite or hickory wooden chips (moist) may be additional on top of the coals to enable a smoldering effect which offers additional flavour to the meals. Other hardwoods such as pecan, apple, maple and oak may also be used. This, says Sand Point Seattle Grill Restaurant, delivers zest and adds taste to any meats, poultry or fish which is laid to sizzle in the grill.
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